This method uses an external DC source that is electrically transformed and rectified, whose negative pole is connected to the structure to be protected (Hull, etc.). While the positive pole is connected to a Power dispersing through inert anodes to the electrolyte (sea water, etc.) returning to the metal to be protected.
The "SOUL" of this system is the Control Power Unit – CPU (that constantly monitors the level of corrosion-protection .- potential of the structure), either currently underutilized MANUAL CPU.- The more economical AUTOMATIC CPU and more current COMPUTERIZED CPU, adjusting its power output to the optimum value of total protection.
Although consumables anodes can be used for short periods of protection periods, Temporary maintenances, with the passing of time have shifted the anodes normally short-lived (Graphite, Silicon-Iron & Lead-Silver, alloys etc...) Titanium anodes with Metal oxides .- MMOx (ruthenium oxide, iridium oxide, etc..) - that are designed to last more than 35 years.
Incorporating to the control circuit sensors, some reference electrodes make the Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) system, the most effective and maintenance-free in the fight against corrosion.
We can say that in most cases, these materials have a life greater than the estimated life of the installation (Ship, Dock, Rigs, Platform, etc.).
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